IPM for Healthcare Facilities

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, May 24th, 2022

CEU Credit Approved States:   GA, NM, PA, SC & TX.

Brief Webinar Description: Pest control in healthcare settings brings a wide range of issues and limitations. This webinar discusses integrated pest management programs, communication methods, and the importance of reporting.

Ant Biology & Control

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, April 26th, 2022

CEU Credit Approved States:  FL, GA, NM, PA & SC.

Brief Webinar Description: This webinar will focus on how ant colonies develop. We will discuss ants’ social behaviors and how they can help identify the pest ant species. Common species will be viewed with behavioral keys. Inspection tactics and control measures will be explored.

IPM for Mosquito Control

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

CEU Credit Approved States: DC, FL, GA, NJ, NM & SC.

Brief Webinar Description: One of the greatest defenses against mosquito-borne illnesses is you –the Pest Control Professional. In this session, you will learn how to reduce clients’ exposure to mosquito bites. We will discuss inspection for breeding sites and treating to control mosquitoes. You will also receive guidance for suggesting corrective actions as well as providing education to your customers to help combat mosquitoes.

Mosquito Awareness for a Healthier Environment

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

CEU Credit Approved States: DC, FL, GA, NJ, NM, NV, PA, SC & TX.

Brief Webinar Description: One of the greatest defenses against mosquito-borne illnesses is you – the Pest Control Professional. You can help homeowners and commercial clients reduce their exposure to mosquito bites by conducting thorough inspections of their properties for breeding sites, treating to control mosquitoes, or suggesting corrective actions. Educating your customer about mosquitoes is a vital role that you play in the overall reduction effort. Knowing the biology and life cycle of the pest is important to setting up your program for defense.

Pesticide Resistance

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

CEU Credit Approved States: FL, GA, NM & SC

Brief Webinar Description: To focus on all aspects of Resistance and how to manage it. Every PMP faces the issue of pesticide resistance several times in his or her career. This webinar is a great guide into how to properly navigate resistance issues. This presentation includes how insects become resistant, how does resistance happen in the first place, what is resistance management, cross-resistance, and more.

Least Toxic Pest Control

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, December 28th, 2021

CEU Credit Approved States: DC, FL, GA, NJ, NM & SC

Brief Webinar Description: Why is IPM important to your business? Customer involvement is critical to your program’s success. We will explore proper decision-making, good IPM strategies, selection, and use of pesticides, and the importance of an evaluation process to monitor your program’s effectiveness.

Sensitive Issues for Concerned PCOs

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, December 9th, 2021

CEU Credit Approved States:FL, GA, NM, NJ & PA

Brief Webinar Description: Customer relations means everything to a great service program. A PCO must demonstrate good practices in the delivery of their service. We will discuss good practices with materials, good practices for personal protection, good practices for customer health, and good practices for property protection. We will conclude with the proper use of labels and SDS.


Control of Occasional Invaders

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, October 26th, 2021

CEU Credit Approved States: DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, ME, OH, PA & TN

Brief Webinar Description: This program will explore the behavior and habits of occasional invaders. We will take a look at non-stinging insects, stinging insects, and non-insect arthropods; other occasional pests will also be reviewed.


Bed Bugs in Multi-Unit Housing Redo

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, September 28th, 2021

CEU Credit Approved States: DC, FL, GA, IN, & NM.

Brief Webinar Description: Multi-Family or Multi-Unit Housing can be a very lucrative aspect of your pest control business. Housing authorities award pest management contracts annually – so regular recurring revenue for treating their facilities provide you with stability, cash flow, and a great referral to grow in that market segment. This webinar will discuss how you can focus on multi-unit housing as a business and grow your company.


Pesticide Safety

Webinar Held on: Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

CEU Credit Approved States: FL, GA, NV, SC & TX

Brief Webinar Description: In this program, we explore the difference between toxicity and hazard. Then we talk about routes of entry into the body. Personal protective equipment needs will be reviewed. Label signal words will be visited and common symptoms and emergency responses will be discussed.
